Your plan to distill various alcoholic beverages such as whiskey, vodka, rum, gin, etc, right at home can only turn into blissful reality when you build yourself a long lasting still with perfect moonshine still plans. Building your own still can enable you to save a lot of money while also getting the satisfaction of creating a wonderful ethanol-dripping still with your very own hands.
Ethanol or alcohol distillation is required when you want to upgrade from lower proof level alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer to alcohols and spirits with higher proof levels. Distillation of alcohol requires a heat source such as a gas stove or an electric one to boil the fermented mash that you would have created by mixing water, yeast, and your chosen grain, vegetable, or fruit. The alcohol present in the mash will start to evaporate when the temperature of the boiled mash touches 78.5 degrees Celsius. You will now need to filter and polish those alcohol or ethanol vapors before condensing them back into liquid form so as to collect those heavenly and heady droplets into a collection vessel.
Although the process looks complicated, it is actually quite simple once you construct an efficient and sturdy moonshine still with moonshine still plans offered by an expert in the distillation process. While you can choose your plans by browsing through various books on distillation and moonshine stills, an extremely easy and convenient option would be to simply visit select websites over the internet that offer a wide range of still plans, usually for free. Your dream to make moonshine at home can now be downloaded easily once you hone in on a plan that results in a safe and sturdy still that distills your chosen moonshine in a competent manner.
There are several types of moonshine still plans floating around over the internet but you need to download one that translates into a functional still that keeps on distilling safely and capably in the coming years. You should seek out plans that also have moonshine still pictures of a still under construction as well as a constructed still so that you can get a visual idea about the complete building process. The plan should also provide a detailed list of materials, components, and accessories that will need to be collected or purchased before you start building your own moonshine still at home. You should certainly get referrals by visiting online blogs and forums before you opt for still plans that catch your eye and your budget too.
The plans that you ultimately download should provide a step-by-step guide on how to build your moonshine still so that you do not end up in a confused state of mind or end up with a faulty still. Since distilling involves boiling and cooling of volatile liquids, it is extremely important to take all safety measures while building and operating the still so that undesired chemicals do not end up outside the still or even end up along with your desired ethanol at the end of the distilling process.
The internet has select sites that offer still plans that can allow you to build your own still out of copper, stainless steel, or even glass. However, you should ensure that you study each plan of your proposed still in great detail before you finally choose one from those moonshine still plans so as to happily and safely distill for several decades.