You can sip on deliciously potent yet smooth alcoholic beverages made in your own home or backyard only if you can extract heady alcohols with the right alcohol distillation process. Distillation is not merely heating your fermented mash or must but also ensuring that only the desired alcohols reach into your chilled glass at the end of the final process.
Alcohol is a volatile liquid that can be created with varying alcohol strength or proof levels. Although most alcohols as well as spirits are manufactured after distilling by expert distillers, you too can certainly try your hand at this intricate process if you are deliriously bitten by the distilling bug. However, it is important to properly comprehend the distillation process since there are many chemicals that might try to cross over during the distillation process and you need to ensure that the final alcohol that you have distilled is minus any other harmful chemical while also sporting the desired alcohol strength and character at the same time.
Early ancestors have been happily distilling different alcoholic beverages since centuries although many of them were simply intended to be used as medicines. However, many happy patients quickly discovered the heady side effects of such medicines and alcohol distillation quickly picked up to cater to the needs of blissful drinkers all over the globe. Pot distillation was and still is the simplest form of distillation to extract different types of alcohols from a fermented mixture of water along with different types of grains, fruits, or vegetables, based on your geographical location and the type of alcohol that you wish to derive. You should realize that master distillers too need to follow the right distillation process to achieve optimum distillation with minimum wastage.
This distillation of alcohol begins once you boil your fermented mash in a copper, stainless steel or glass pot. Since most alcohols possess a boiling point of around 78.5 degrees Celsius as opposed to the water in the mash that has a boiling point of 100 degrees, the alcohol present in the mash starts to evaporate once the temperature reaches over 78 degrees. However, along with ethanol or drinking alcohol, other elements such as methanol, acetone, ethyl acetate too will try to sneak on to the other side where you would have installed your condensation equipment to cool down those alcohol vapors back into a heady liquid. Your distillation equipment will thus need safety barriers in the form of packing and filters to only allow pure and safe alcohol to enter the collection vessel.
Repeated distilling will purify and strengthen your mash even further. Once your distillation process is complete then you can add suitable essences to provide a memorable flavor and character to your end product. You will certainly need to engage in a few trial runs until you receive palatable alcohol in your collection vessel and a lot of practice to slowly and happily conjure up alcoholic beverages just like those expert distillers.
Distillation is a very important process to convert mild alcohol in the fermented mash into strong alcohol while also ensuring ultimate smoothness at the same time. You can certainly extract heady alcohols with the right alcohol distillation process as well as the right equipment coupled with dedicated distillation runs to ensure perfect distillation.