If you want to save money on alcoholic beverages, have fun in creating your own alcohols and spirits, and surprise friends and family with your distilling skills then you will surely need to learn on how to distill alcohol from your home alcohol still. You can truly benefit in many ways once you seriously yet happily follow your new hobby of distilling different types of heady liquids in your own home still.
If you wish to sip on milder alcohols such as wine or beer then you will only require to pass your chosen mixture of water with fruits, grains, or vegetables through the fermentation process. The yeast used in fermentation will convert most sugars in the mixture into alcohol. However, for stronger alcohols and spirits with an alcohol strength of over 20 percent or 40 proof, you will need to engage in the distillation process. In this process, your fermented mixture or mash as it is also called, is boiled until the alcohol present within it separates from water and evaporates only to get condensed back into stronger alcohol on the other end of the alcohol distillation equipment.
To achieve optimum distillation, you will require an efficient alcohol still that can be constructed with your very own hands or simply ordered over the internet by clicking on your mouse with your very own fingers. Your still should ideally consist of a pot or vessel to boil your mash, a coiled metal pipe to carry the alcoholic vapors, a heat source to boil the mash, a cooling source to condense the alcoholic vapors, and a collection vessel to finally collect those potent drops of strong alcohol. Your still will also need a temperature gauge, a hydrometer to check the strength of your derived alcohol, packing and filters to filter and polish the derived alcohol, and various clamps and stands to help the still stand on your kitchen table or on any platform in your home or garage. For home distillation of alcohol, pot distillation equipment that also merges reflux distilling methods would help you to kick-start your distilling process in a very cost effective way.
You can try to download easy-to-understand homemade distillation equipment plans over the internet. A virtual home distillation handbook with step-by-step instructions can help you to watch your very own alcohol still rise before your eyes. However, if you have any doubts on constructing your own still at home then you should certainly remain on the safe side by ordering a ready kit from the internet, albeit by paying a higher price. However, there are a few distilling kits that are indeed designed and constructed by distilling experts, and you can certainly garner complete praise for their expertise as you distill each batch of your desired alcoholic beverage to perfection within a very short time. Thus, by using the best ingredients along with pure and bacteria-free yeast as well as employing the best distilling kit for your alcohol distillation process, you can truly get hailed as an expert distiller by your friends and family once their lips touch the distilled alcohols and spirits created in your safe and efficient still.
Merely remaining an alcohol fan while sipping on branded alcohol can eventually turn out to be quite boring. If you want to inject renewed passion for various alcoholic drinks then you can certainly create those potent alcohol drops in your own home when you start distilling alcohol in your own home alcohol still.