Your journey into the heady world of alcohol cannot be considered complete until you make your own alcoholic beverage at home and you can truly enjoy sipping on moonshine distilled in your own moonshine still. You can have a lot of fun distilling various types of moonshine in your still and can also entertain your guests with delicious and strong alcohols derived with your very own hands.
While making moonshine was certainly illegal in many countries that had imposed prohibition, several of those countries have now lifted the ban on distilling small batches of various alcohols and spirits or simply moonshine as they are collectively known. You too can now distill your chosen variant of moonshine such as vodka, rum, whisky, brandy, gin, etc provided your country does not impose any restrictions on its manufacture and consumption within your home.
Distilling requires boiling and then condensing your chosen mixture or mash that would have already been fermented with yeast. This mash should possess high alcoholic strength at the start itself and if you have been unsuccessful in creating a strong mash then you should try out turbo yeast that is pure yeast fortified with micro-nutrients and devoid of harmful bacteria or wild yeast. In order to engage the distillation process, you will need a sturdy and safe still that will deliver potent ethanol once the distillation process is completed. If you plan on building a moonshine still then you can start construction after choosing and downloading from various still plans that are available on the internet.
You should ensure that you choose a still design that features moonshine still pictures so as to get a better idea of how the still will actually appear after successful construction. Your homemade still should also consist of parts that could already be present in your home or garage or even be available in a neighborhood hardware store so as to keep costs low and ensure easy availability of spares in the future. If you are nervous about building a still on your own then you should enlist the help of an expert friend that can be lured with free glasses of moonshine once your project is successfully completed. If you truly have plans devised by an industry expert then you can quickly construct your own moonshine still that can quickly start delivering those potent droplets of distilled nectar.
You will need to choose between a copper still or a stainless steel still before you start construction. While copper can be shaped easily and is said to provide an excellent character to the desired moonshine, it can also corrode over time and hence needs regular inspection. Stainless steel, on the other hand, might look industrial but can literally last for a lifetime while hardly requiring any maintenance during that lifetime. You should opt for the batch distillation process with the help of pot distillation equipment fitted with an ethanol distillation column for effective distillation. If constructing a still seems an impossible task then you also have a choice of buying a still in kit form that can easily be assembled at home, although such kits can be costlier than making your own still.
A safe and efficient still will quickly reward you with potent drops of joy that can then be turned into your favorite alcoholic beverage by flavoring it or can even be enjoyed in its present form in case you opt to distill vodka, etc. The key to safe and consistent distilling is to first ensure that you construct or buy your own moonshine still that can consistently deliver heady alcohols that can then be shared with other like minded alcohol enthusiasts.