If you truly wish to keep on sipping and sharing moonshine created at home with your close friends for years on end then you should ensure sturdy moonshine still construction for trouble free service. A moonshine still constructed with rugged materials and a proven plan will last for many years without causing any problems in terms of safety or consistency in delivering pure drops of distilled moonshine.
The term moonshine was coined in the past when avid drinkers of alcohol had to go underground to distill their own alcoholic beverages or moonshine during the imposition of prohibition in various countries. Although quite a few countries do not impose prohibition anymore, the term moonshine now also implies to alcoholic beverages distilled at home in countries where home distilling is legally allowed while the meaning remains the same in countries that still impose a ban on heady homemade beverages. You should make sure that it is perfectly legal to distill and consume moonshine made in your still before you try to build your own still.
You should engage in moonshine still construction only if you have decent experience in plumbing, soldering, welding, and other related skills. Most homemade stills follow pot distillation where your fermented mixture or mash is poured into a copper or stainless steel pot and then boiled until the alcohol present in the mash starts turning into vapor. This vapor is then guided through an ethanol distillation column attached on the pot for improved separation as well as prevention of undesired elements that could cling to ethanol and try to enter into the attached tubing. The metal tubing is coiled at the other end and cooled with cold water or air to turn the ethanol vapors back into liquid ethanol that would be quite strong since it no longer contains water or other ingredients present in the mash. Your moonshine still with thus require several components to act together as a team to extract strong ethanol from any mixture that you have fermented.
Your moonshine still construction would need to include a copper pot or stainless steel milk can or other matching vessel, an ethanol distillation column on top of the vessel, metal tubing, a thermometer, a hydrometer, a collection vessel, a gas or electric stove, cold water with a circulating pump or a small fan, and finally, packing and filters to purify and polish the desired moonshine. You should firstly download a proven plan for your moonshine still that also contains moonshine still pictures so as to help you during construction by making it easier to visualize your own still. You might already have most components of a moonshine still in your own home or garage and will simply need to buy the rest of the components from hardware stores to quickly build your own still within a couple of days. For the technically challenged, help is at hand since they can opt for readymade stills that can easily be ordered over the internet.
If you want to distill only the best possible moonshine at home then you will certainly require the help of an efficient moonshine still to deliver those heady drops of joy for years on end. An easy to understand still plan along with commonly available components will truly help you during your moonshine still construction and reward you with a sturdy still that is easy to operate and requires minimum maintenance while providing maximum pleasure with each heady batch of deliciously distilled moonshine.